Official VOAD for Santa Clara County

Training Webinars (pre-recorded) & In-Person Workshop Resources

Accessible Virtual Meetings

Active Shooter Awareness 11/20/22

Animals In Disaster Focus Group Meeting 06/13/23

CADRE Countywide Virtual Wildfire Tabletop Exercise 2021

CADRE Volunteer Management Workshop

CBO and Government Coordination in Times of Emergency Workshop

Cold Weather Check-In 020924 & 021524

Cold Weather Shelters 01/18/2023

Continuity of Operations: Alternate Facilities and MOUs 08/14/23

Continuity of Operations: Essential Functions 08/14/23

COOP (Continuity of Operations) for CBO/FBO 2023

COOP 101 05/16/2023

Crisis-Proofing Your Nonprofit 06/26/24 *NEW*

Cultural Considerations in Disaster Planning 11/16/23

Dirty Work – Post Disaster Cleanup 04/24/2024

DIY Building Evacuation Planning 11/8/23

Documenting Your Disaster Work 06/09/2020

Nonprofits and Government Maximizing FEMA Cost Recovery – 06/09/2020

PowerPoint Slides 
Martinet Group LLC 2020 Webinar Info 

Documenting Your Disaster Work 

Donations Management Workshop

Emergency Planning

Extreme Heat 04/30/24

Extreme Heat Planning Webinar 07/26/2022

Finding Your Disaster Mission for Faith Organizations 09/29/22

This presentation was not recorded. Each presenter spoke about their current disaster mission and they are resources to help you develop your own mission.  The PowerPoint deck lists many different opportunities to serve the community.  If you have questions or would like to be included in the joint CADRE/Red Cross Faith Resource Directory, email us at [email protected].

Main PPT 
Los Altos Stake Communication Plan 

Food Heroes Unite – Disaster Collaboration Discussion

Incident Command System for Nonprofits 11/03/22

Long Term Recovery and Disaster Case Management 2022 Workshop

Personal Emergency Preparedness in the Workplace

Tips on personal preparedness and how to encourage it in the workplace

Earthquake “What If” Exercise description and PPT


Preparedness Activities 
Earthquake Discussion Exercise Guidelines 
Earthquake Discussion Answers 
Earthquake Discussion PPT 

Personal Preparedness in the Workplace 

Personal Preparedness for Staff and Volunteers Workshop

PG&E Wildfire Safety Presentation

Powerpoint, recording and resources shared during PG&E’s Wildfire Safety Presentation for Nonprofits.

Recorded Presentation 

Links and Resources 

Public Information Officer Workshop 08/15/23

Recovery Planning – A Whole Community Discussion For Santa Clara County

SBP Recovery Training 08/10/23

Standing Together – Disaster Recovery: Short & Long Term

Two-part session to invite and engage Santa Clara County organizations to be part of developing a Short Term and Long Term Disaster Recovery collaborative.

Part 1 Recording - Intro to Short & Long Term Recovery 

Part 1 Powerpoint 

Symposium “A Day in the Life” Resources 2022

Symposium 5/24/22 Resources

Symposium 5/25/22 Resources

Symposium 5/26/22 Resources

The Power of Faith in Disasters

Under the Radar: Hidden Obstacles in Disaster Relief

Understanding Long Term Recovery – Using National VOAD Guidance and Principals 2020 Workshop

Vulnerability Assessments


NOFO or State Supplemental references Federal CSNSGP Grant

RFP references State CSNSGP Grant

We recommend you do the assessment even if you are not planning to apply for the grant.  It’s great information and will improve your safety awareness.


NCRIC Private Sector Program Membership: To Join the NCRIC as a Private Sector Partner: Go to Click on the “Join Us” tab located on the tool bar Select “Private Sector Partner” from the drop-down list

Click the red “Submit Application” button located in the right column Complete and submit the application

Sample Grant Information 

Vulnerability Assessment Worksheet 

Meeting Recording