Official VOAD for Santa Clara County

Fire Recovery


Cash Donations

Cash is the preferred donation so that funds can get directly to the evacuees to purchase things that they need. Donate to a trusted local nonprofit or go to the Fire Relief Fund at Silicon Valley Community Foundation who will distribute funds to local nonprofits to assist evacuees.


Financial Assistance

Catholic Charities Disaster Financial Assistance

Connecting survivors to available community financial resources to fund unmet needs or needs not met by insurance

Assisting with advocacy and appeals

Creating attainable recovery plans

Arranging construction resources and repair for property damaged

Statewide Phone: 833-775-3267 


Legal Support

FEMA Legal Services

Survivors may seek no-cost aid with wildfire-related legal issues by calling the disaster legal services hotline. Help is available in several languages. The program is a partnership between FEMA and the American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division.

FEMA Legal Services 

Disaster Legal Services Hotline: 888-382-3406. 

Legal Support

Recovery Resources

FEMA Recovery Links


Long Term Recovery Quick Reference Guide

Long term recovery is the period following a disaster when the effected community and its residents return to a new normal state of living. A long term recovery program is usually established by the community, often with outside assistance, in order to help its most vulnerable residents through the recovery process. This Long Term Recovery Quick Reference Guide serves as a companion to the more extensive Long Term Recovery Guide (LTRG).

Quick Reference Guide 

National VOAD Long Term Recovery Guide

National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (National VOAD) is a coalition of organizations that prepare for and respond to the recovery needs of America’s communities in times of disasters. Throughout this recovery guide you will find references and links to other National VOAD resources.

Long Term Recovery Guide 2023 

Survivor Assistance

Resources for Survivors

Santa Clara County Hotline - For Those Who Have Evacuated: 408-808-7778 
Santa Clara County Residents with Fire Property Damage: 408-918-3411 

Santa Clara County Residents with Fire Property Damage: [email protected]

SCU Wildfire Relief Program

Catholic Charities Wildfire Disaster Case Management Program

Assistance with:

Connecting survivors to available community resources

Identifying household needs and program eligibility

Assisting with advocacy and appeals

Arranging construction resources and repair for property damaged by the fire

Direct Program Number: 408-396-0500 
Statewide Hotline: 833-775-3267 

For information: [email protected]

Program Flyer 

Alert and Warning

Alert SCC Notifications

All cities/towns in Santa Clara County use the Alert SCC notification system to alert residents of emergencies.

You must register to receive the Alerts.

Some cities/towns use additional notification systems as a backup to Alert SCC.

You should register for ALL alert systems used by your city/town.

Alert SCC Notifications 

CZU Resources

CZU Fire Support Resources

Resources available to Santa Cruz County residents of the wildfire.

Do you need assistance in recovering from the CZU Fire?  Email [email protected] to connect with a disaster case manager. Please provide your name, disaster-impacted address and best way to reach you.

Three local organizations – Catholic Charities, Community Bridges: Mountain Community Resources and Davenport Resource Center – are collaboratively working to help disaster survivors and their families by connecting them to available community resources, identifying household needs and program eligibility, assisting with advocacy and appeals, creating attainable recovery plans and identifying construction and repair resources for damaged or destroyed property.

Crisis Counseling Program 

Anyone impacted by wildfires in Santa Cruz County can receive free referral support, group support, and one-on-one crisis intervention by reaching out to [email protected]. Peer workshop appointments are available.


RCD Chipping Services

The Resource Conservation District offers chipping services to landowners who clear 100 feet of defensible space around their homes and private roads, as recommended by CalFire, to improve fire safety. Sign ups open May 1 and is first come, first served. Chipping takes place annually May-July and will be scheduled by neighborhood. Please visit the program web page to learn more and register:


Santa Cruz County Fire Recovery: all the latest info including Debris Removal, The Recovery Permit Center , Events, & Latest News

211 Santa Cruz County Resource List