Official VOAD for Santa Clara County


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Understanding ICS for Nonprofits – Training Webinar

This session will provide an overview for nonprofits on how the Incident Command System (ICS) is used with California’s Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and the National Incident Management System […]

COOP for Nonprofits – Training Webinar

The COVID-19 pandemic and wildfires have shown the general public that nonprofits can adeptly continue many of our essential operations and meet community needs despite incredible disruption. Some people may […]

Disaster Donations Management – Regional Training

Why are in-kind donations called the disaster within the disaster? Join us for this session to learn about and explore the benefits, challenges and opportunities that exist in the world […]

CBO and Government Coordination in Times of an Emergency

This FREE interactive workshop is designed for the UASI South Bay Hub (Santa Clara County-specific) and will share best practices in collaboration and coordination before, during, and after a disaster. […]

Disaster Volunteer Management – Training Webinar

The COVID-19 pandemic and wildfires have illustrated that being connected with a cause and collaborating with others to help our communities meet the needs that arise from disasters and emergencies […]

We All Have a Role in Emergency Management

This FREE virtual session is designed specifically for the UASI South Bay Hub (Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz counties) and will provide information on the various roles in emergency […]