Official VOAD for Santa Clara County


Engaging students in emergency preparedness can empower youth to understand risks and know how to protect themselves during potential emergency events. Curriculum, lesson plans, and activities can help teachers and school staff bring disaster readiness into the classroom. Helpful preparedness and safety resources for teachers include:

• Classroom Activities and Youth Preparedness Programs – These multidisciplinary lessons, activities, and programs teach students what to do before, during, and after an emergency.

• Student Tools for Emergency Planning – This classroom-based curriculum for fourth and fifth graders teaches students how to prepare for disasters. The program includes core lessons as well as additional hazard-specific lessons that educators can use to customize their curriculum.

• Youth Emergency Preparedness Curriculum – This program for grades 1-12 teaches students about emergency preparedness, while also fostering critical skills such as problem solving, teamwork, creativity, leadership, and communication.

Classroom Activities and Youth Preparedness Programs 
Student Tools for Emergency Planning 
Youth Emergency Preparedness Curriculum 

Youth Disaster Resilience 
