Why are in-kind donations called the disaster within the disaster?
Join us for this session to learn about and explore the benefits, challenges and opportunities that exist in the world of disaster donations management. This course will provide a basic overview of key principles related to disaster donations management for community based, faith based and nonprofits as well as local government emergency managers and planners.
Featured speakers include:
• Charlene Sargent, Director of the Pacific Region, Adventist Community Services; member of National VOAD Board of Directors
Sponsored by the Bay Area Training and Exercise Program (BATEP) for the 12 county Bay Area UASI region.
Accessible Meeting Information — Automated live transcription will be available for this session using both Zoom Live Transcript and OtterAI as a separate browser window. Electronic copies of materials to be used (powerpoint slides, handouts, discussion tools or other resources) can be made available upon request for uploading to assistive devices prior the meeting. To request an ASL interpreter or other accommodations, please contact us by email at admin@cadresv.org. Providing at least 72 hours advance notice will help to ensure availability.