Official VOAD for Santa Clara County

About CADRE and the VOAD

CADRE is the official VOAD for Santa Clara County.

CADRE is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Tax ID: 83-1035628.

2022 Annual Report


CADRE’s purpose is to facilitate a coordinated disaster response, of non-profit and faith-based organizations, to support local government and the community. CADRE also encourages organizational preparedness planning in non-disaster times through training and exercises.


CADRE is the official Voluntary Agencies Active in Disaster (VOAD) for Santa Clara County under Northern California’s State VOAD. Read the County Board of Supervisors resolution.

The mission of CADRE is to strengthen coordination of the disaster response and recovery efforts of non-profit, faith-based, government, private and other disaster relief entities in Santa Clara County, through partnerships, planning, training, exercises and emergency activation.


Ted Talks about VOADs


CADRE envisions a community wherein all sectors – government, non-profit, faith-based and private industry – work together effectively and efficiently to meet the post-disaster needs of Santa Clara County residents.

To that end, all CADRE participating organizations will work together to develop and test disaster preparedness plans that clearly articulate potential roles, responsibilities and relationships necessary to achieve integrated, coordinated response and recovery efforts for all Santa Clara County communities.


Historically CADRE has received grants from the following sources:

  • Santa Clara County Emergency Operational Area Council (Emergency Management Performance Grant)
  • Santa Clara County
  • SF CARD / Bay Area UASI
  • Silicon Valley Community Foundation
  • State Homeland Security
  • PG&E
  • San Jose Water Company
  • California Fire Foundation
  • Individual Donations (Donate here!)

This 2021 website update was funded by

Santa Clara County and the Silicon Valley Community Foundation